
delinc. Agente de investigaciones (LCV.)// La voz corresponde al apellido de un subcomisario de Investigaciones que se destacó por sus felices campañas contra el malviviente (Rev.P.).

Diccionario Lunfardo. . 2011.

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  • peire — peirce, peire obs. forms of pierce, pair …   Useful english dictionary

  • Peire d'Alvernhe — or d Alvernha [In French his name is Pierre d Auvergne .] ( Pèire in modern Occitan; b. c. 1130) was an Auvergnat troubadour (active 1149 ndash;1170), twenty oneGaunt and Kay, 287.] or twenty fourEgan, 72.] Aubrey, The Music of the Troubadours ,… …   Wikipedia

  • Peire Guilhem de Luserna — [Variations of his Occitan name found in primary sources are Peire guiellms , Peire Willems , Peire Guillem , Peire Guillems , Peire Guielm , and Peire Guillielm .] ( it. Pietro Guglielmo di Luserna) was a Piedmontese troubadour. Peire s identity …   Wikipedia

  • Peire Raimon de Tolosa — or Toloza (fl. 1180 ndash;1220)Aubrey, 17.] was a troubadour from the merchant class of Toulouse. He is variously referred to as lo Viellz ( the Old ) and lo Gros ( the Fat ), though these are thought by some to refer to two different persons. On …   Wikipedia

  • Peire de Monzón — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Peire de Monzó(n) (activo en 1173), también Pere de Montsó, fue un trovador aragonés, aunque no ha sobrevivido ninguna de sus composiciones. Posiblemente su origen esté en Monzón, pero puede ser originario de Monzón… …   Wikipedia Español

  • Peire de la Mula — Peire (or Pietro) de la Mula (fl. c. 1200) was an Italian troubadour. He wrote two couplets and one sirventes that survive. According to his vida , he was a joglars and tobaire who stayed for a long time in Montferrat, Cortemiglia ( Cortemilla ) …   Wikipedia

  • Peire de Corbiac — or Corbian was a Gascon cleric and troubadour of the thirteenth century. His most famous works are a religious piece, the Prière à la Vierge (prayer to the Virgin), and his treasures , Lo tezaurs (c. 1225). [ Lo tezaurs is commonly referred to as …   Wikipedia

  • Peire Bremon lo Tort — (or Bremonz lo Tortz ; fl. 1177) was a troubadour from the Viennois. Though only two of his pieces (both love songs) survive, his poetry is characterised by Francoprovençalisms. According to his short vida , he was honoured by all the notable men …   Wikipedia

  • Peire de Corbiac — Peire de Corbian Peire de Corbian (ou dans certains manuscrits Corbiac, mais cette graphie n est plus retenue par les spécialistes) est un clerc/troubadour actif dans la première moitié du XIIIe siècle. Il n a laissé qu un seul poème lyrique,… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Peire de Valeira — Peire de Valeira, Valeria, or Valera (fl. early ndash;mid twelfth century) was a Gascon troubadour. Since troubadour poetry probably originated in northwest Aquitaine (Poitou and Saintonge) and first spread mdash;within a generation mdash;south… …   Wikipedia

  • Peire de Corbian — (ou dans certains manuscrits Corbiac, mais cette graphie n est plus retenue par les spécialistes) est un clerc/troubadour actif dans la première moitié du XIIIe siècle. Il n a laissé qu un seul poème lyrique, dédié à la Vierge : Domna, dels… …   Wikipédia en Français

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