
pop. Igual que Poplín.

Diccionario Lunfardo. . 2011.

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Mira otros diccionarios:

  • Pople —   [pəʊpl], John A., britischer Chemiker, * Burnham on Sea (Somerset) 31. 10. 1925; 1964 86 Professor in Pittsburgh, danach in Evanston. Pople erhielt für seine Arbeiten zu Berechnungsmethoden in der Quantenchemie mit W. Kohn 1998 den Nobelpreis… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • Pople — John A …   Scientists

  • Pople — Sir John Anthony Pople (* 31. Oktober 1925 in Burnham on Sea; † 15. März 2004 in Sarasota, Florida) war ein britischer Mathematiker und theoretischer Chemiker. Leben und Wirken Er erlangte an der Bristol Grammar School seine Hochschulzulassung,… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Pople — This unusual and interesting name is of Old French origin, and is a topographical surname for someone who lived by a stand of poplar trees or a single conspicuous poplar tree. The name derives from the Old French and Middle English pople , poplar …   Surnames reference

  • pòple — m. pòble cl. et niç. pople peuple …   Diccionari Personau e Evolutiu

  • pople — variant of popple * * * pople obs. f. people, popple; var. popel Obs …   Useful english dictionary

  • Pople, Sir John A. — ▪ British mathematician and chemist in full  Sir John Anthony Pople  born October 31, 1925, Burnham on Sea, Somerset, England died March 15, 2004, Chicago, Illinois, U.S.       British mathematician and chemist who, with Walter Kohn (Kohn,… …   Universalium

  • Pople , John A. — (1925–) British theoretical chemist Pople was born in Burnham on Sea, Somerset, and gained his PhD in mathematics in 1951 at Cambridge. In 1964 he became professor of chemical physics at Carnego Mellon University, Pittsburgh, and in 1986 moved to …   Scientists

  • Pople, Sir John Anthony — ▪ 2005       British mathematical chemist (b. Oct. 31, 1925, Burnham on Sea, Somerset, Eng. d. March 15, 2004, Chicago, Ill.), won the Nobel Prize for Chemistry in 1998 for his development of computational methods for modeling chemical reactions; …   Universalium

  • Pople Notation — The Pople notation is named after the Nobel laureate John Pople and is a simple method of presentating spin coupling systems in NMR.The notation labels each (NMR active) nucleus with a letter of the alphabet. The difference in chemical shift… …   Wikipedia

  • Pople-Nomenklatur — Die Pople Nomenklatur ist nach dem Chemie Nobelpreisträger John Pople benannt und ermöglicht eine einfache Darstellung von wiederholt auftauchenden Spin Kopplungsmustern in der NMR. Sie ist durch Symmetrieüberlegungen herzuleiten und gibt… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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